Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Figurative Language

"We've traveled almost the full length of the island and can report that every corner of it is wet, every river overflows its banks, every rain barrel is filled to the brim, every wall washed clean of writing no one knows how to read anyways." 

At the end of Chapter 6, this anaphora stood out for me the most for the reason that it portrayed the situation of the country with Rafael Trujillo in power. Not only that, it shows how the population of the Dominican Republic lives under political oppression. The rain represents Trujillo's power so by describing that it was everywhere emphasizes the theme of authoritarianism. The people can not do anything about this due to the fact that "no one knows how to read or write," (Alvarez 117).  The government is able to manipulate the civilians without them noticing. Because of this, they are not able to recognize the harm that Trujillo causes. Also, the revolution is slower to start.

The state of the Dominican Republic under El Jefe

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